
Showing posts from January, 2016

No hurry in Pondicherry

The two cities that I've lived in for 90.9% of my life have been coastal ones - Chennai and Mumbai - so I like to think that there's some seawater running in my veins. There have been many other beaches and much salty air in my life, but Pondy was a special one. The bus from Chennai to Pondicherry took us – me and a couple of friends – through the scenic East Coast Road, and there was enough sighing on my part on seeing the color of the sea. After Bombay's sludgy grey green water, I thought bright blue rather suited the sea. East Coast Road connecting Chennai to Pondicherry The floods in Tamil Nadu had destroyed a key bridge on the route, so it was after a long four hours that we reached Pondicherry. We checked into a charming cottage with a thatched roof, close to the sea. The charm wore off later in the night when we realised we had company – a variety of bugs, and two rats (I named them Pondi and Cherry). On the plus side, the rats and the mosquitoes kept me half a...