My Father's Batchmates

It's Father's Day, and I want to tell you the story of how I found an extended family of sorts with my father's batchmates. I met my Achhan’s (my father) college batchmates during a reunion they had organised in Kannur, Kerala earlier this year. Amma (my mother), Ammamma (my grandma) and I had been graciously invited despite Achhan having passed away several years ago. I had met a few of them earlier, but I didn't know most of them. I was looking forward to getting to know the people he had studied with, and maybe hear a few stories about him and their college life. I had no idea that a single day would leave a lasting impression on me. Here's what happened. A beachside reunion It was the middle of February, just one day after Valentine's Day. My family and I landed in the middle of the night, and checked into the the beachside resort where everyone else was staying. In the morning, we were introduced to many of Achhan...